Photo – How to turn any photo into a 3×4 -#2BRTutorial

Foto 3x4 Transforme

Do you need a 3×4 photo? Know how to turn na image of yours into the 3×4 format, which is required in many documents.

 Nowadays, the facility of having a high quality printer in your own house and perform prints that formerly was just made in printing companies, has changed the technological scenario. The only difference is to search the correct software to perform specific tasks. Therefore, in this tutorial, we´re going to teach how to create a 3×4 photo to use it in many places (companies, documents, university and others).

  1. We use the software “3×4 photo”, which can be downloaded directly of “Baixaki” site.
  2. Lets downloas the software, clicking once with the mouse`s left button in the Green button named “Baixar Gratuito” (Download Free).
  3. Find the Green button “Click here to start the download” and click once with the mouse`s left button, so the download Will start.
  4. Depending on the browser chosen, download will start automatically after the click, or will issue another notice, but the procedure is the same.
  5. After the download conclusion, find the file in the download folder in your computer, or click on the arrow (Firefox) or on the file in the lower-left part of the screen (Chrome) and click on “Instalarfoto3x4.exe” (install3x4photo.exe)
  6. Click on “Execute”.
  7. The “welcome” screen of the program will be shown. Click on “Next”.
  8. Select “I accept the contract`s term” and click on “Next”.
  9. Choose the installation place. I recommend to put in the standard place and click on “Next”.
  10. Click again on “Next” untill it shows the “Install” button. Then click twice on it.
  11. Keep selected “Execute 3×4 photo” and click on “Finish”.
  12. By opening the “3x4photo”, it will show a notice on the screen. Click on “Cancel”.
  13. Click on the first button placed in the upper  left part of the screen.  By clicking, it will open a screen to search the image you desire to turn into a 3×4 photo.
  14. When you open it, find the desired image.
  15. Select the image na click on “open”.
  16. Time has come for adjust the image in the correct size.
  17. All will depende on the selected image`s size. You will only adjust the general zoom by clicking on the bar and moving with the mouse to the minus sign or to the plus sign.
  18. After changing the image`s zoom, click on the black rectangle and drag it untill you find the best position, centralizing the image correctly.
  19. Click on the third button placed in the upper left parto f the screen. By doing it, it will create the 3×4 images.
  20. Check the results: If it is the way you want, click on the diskette located in the upper left part of the screen, which will open a display to save the file.
  21. In case it doesn`t happen, click on the red “X” in the upper right corner and make the necessary adjustments.
  22. Choose the desired folder to save the 3×4 photo and click on “save”.
  23. Done! Now is just click on the saved photo and print it in a photographic sheet of at least 10×15.

Folks, we have finished another BRtutorial that can be applied in Day-by-day, in your work or in your university.

 I hope you liked the content learned, and in case you have any doubt, criticism or Idea, keep in touch and I´ll be as brief as possible to answer it.

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