Active Directory – Add a new user – #5BRtutorial

Active Adicionar um novo usuário

Would you like to add a new user to your domain? Know how to add it in the Active Directory in Windows Server 2008.

This method is very used in companies which has the Windows operating system, being a device manager installed in Windows Sever to organize and monitor all existing user in the company, distinguishing the departments to assist the specific rules creation, improving institution`s technological park. This tutorial was tested in Windows Server 2008, however, in other versions (2003/2012), it can occur some changes in the step-by-step, but the conclusion is the same.

  1. In your Windows Server`s desktop, click on “Start > Control Pannel > Administrative tools > Active Users Desktop”.
  2. It will open the window of your Active Directory, in this moment is necessary having already done the structuring of your AD, distinguishing the departmentes, cause inside each departmente it will have the correponding users.
  3. Localize the departmente you want to add a new user, click once and go to the square on the right (where the other created users are already located).
  4. Click with the right button in na empty space, and click on “New > User”.
  5. In this moment it will open a window to insert all the necessary information to create a user. Below, I´m going to put a standard model that I use, but you can use another standard without any problem.
  6. After filling the fields, clik on “Advance > Finish”.
  7. Now, loging for the first time, you need to change password, which it must have eight digits, three letters (at leats one of them in capital letter), and five numbers.
  8. After having finished this procedure, come back in the previous step, click on “Created Users` Property” and select the tab “Accounts”, in “Account Options”, select “The password never expire”, or you can let this option deselected, but if so, you´ll have to change password each fifteen days.
  9. Users creation procedure completed successfully.

Standard model to users creation

  • Name: completed and in capital letters
  • User _Department_ first letter of the first name ando f the last name + the 3 first digits of the CPF
  • Example: Name: BR Tutorial/Department: TI/CPF:12312312312
  • Inicials: <EMPTY>
  • Last name: <EMPTY>
  • Full name: USER_TI_BT123
  • User´s login´s name: bt123
  • User´s login`s password: bt123bt123


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