Know how to verify the external IP in the Linux CentOS.
This method can be used to know what is the external IP of your Server.
This method was performed in the Linux CentOS 6.7, but in other version it can change some step-by-step sequency.
*Remember that is the entire responsibility of the IT Administrator to analyse and to execute the commands, and to perfom this procedure it needs to have a Login with special permission. Use it carefully.
- First, we are going to verify if the package is installed in your server.
- After you have logged in* in the Server, type curl ifconfig.me and press <Enter>.
- If the package is installed, it will show your Server`s external IP and, in case some error occurs, perform the Curl package installation in your Server.
- Type yum-y install Curl and press <Enter>.
- After the package installation, type curl ifconfig.me and press <Enter>.
- Wait a while. The result will be your external ID.
- Depending on its application, is interesting to document and save the external IP, for example, if your Internet Provider supplied an Internet plan with a permanent ID, with this command we can verify if the service is being performed according to the contract.