Cisco – enable ports – #9BRTutorial

cisco Habilitar uma porta

Do you need to release a port of your switch? Know how to enable access port of the Switch Cisco via web.

This method is very used in companies when you need to enable a port to access a computer, a printer or other switch. This tutorial was tested in the Cisco 2960, however, in other Cisco`s type it can occur some changes in the step-by-step, but the conclusion is the same.

  1. To perform the following procedures, you need to have access to switch (IP, VLAN, User and Password) authorized by the responsible TI, any change performed wrongly can affect in the companies`operation, so, whenever you are going to perform these procedures, do it with someone responsible.
  2. Always memorize and document the procedures performed, because in case of any problem, in the majority of cases it`s possible to undo the changes.
  3. Verify which switch you want to enable the port and mark the IP.
  4. Open your favorite browser (I have used the Chrome).
  5. Insert the IP (where you insert a link ( put the switches IP ( ex: and press the key <Enter>.
  6. It will show the login and password window, fill the two fields and click on “Continue”.
  7. Choose option “No”.
  8. In this moment it will open the Switch 2960 screen from Cisco.
  9. Go to “Configure > smartports”.
  10. In the box beside, it will show all Switche`s ports, verify which one you want to modify, select in the combination box if it will be for a Computer (desktop), or a Computer + Telephone IP (Cisco Phone + Desktop), and then click on the desireble port.
  11. After have chosen the port, click on “Customize”.
  12. Find the chosen port (Fa0/” Nº port”).
  13. In Access Lan, put the VLAN used in the company to access the computers. (Verify it, cause each department can have a different VLAN).
  14. In Voice Lan, insert the VLAN used in the company for telephony.
  15. After insert de data, click on “Done”.
  16. Now click on “Port Settings”, below “Smartports”.
  17. Now lets enable the port previously configurated.
  18. Find the port you have just configurated. (Fa0/”Nº port”).
  19. In “Description”, put the port`s description to know the way to this port after.
  20. Activate the port in “Enable” by clicking on the little square.
  21. In “Speed”, depending on your network`s capacity, put 100 or 1000. Is not recommended to put in “Auto”.
  22. In “Duplex”, depending on your network`s capacity, I normally select the option “FULL”.
  23. After insert the data, click on “Submit”.
  24. In this moment the port is already released and configurated, you just need to do the tests.
  25. We do not take responsibility for problems occasioned for improper use of this tutorial, it`s all at your own risk.


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