Device – find out how to download a driver – #1BRtutorial

DevID Hardware encontrado


Don`t know how to install a new device? Know how to download and install a driver without knowing the hardware`s type in Windows.

This method is commonly used when you don`t know the motherboard`s model or another specific hardware installed in your computer. Therefore, it facilitates when you install a driver without knowing the hardware`s model. This tutorial was tasted in Windows 7, however, in other versions (2000/XP/Vista/8.1/10) it can occur some changes in step by step, but the conclusion is the same

  1. In your Windows desktop, click on “Start Button > Control Panel > System > Device Manager” or  press the key “Windows + Pause Break > Device Manager”.
  2. Click with the right button in the desired device which is not with the driver installed, and click “Properties” or simply click twice with the mouse`s left button in the desired device.
  3. Click on the “Details” tab and search for “Hardware`s IDs” in the combo box.
  4. Click on any line that appears below, copy the line pressing “Ctrl + C” or select it with the right button and click in “copy”.
  5. Now open your favorite browse (I.E., Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari and others)
  6. Enter in the “driver`s researche`s” site and paste (Ctrl + V) the line copied in the research Field and clik in “search”.
  7. In this moment, it will appear many drivers which are compatible with your device, then it`s necessary to verify whats is the operational system installed in your computer.
  8. After finding the compatible driver, click on the floppy disk on the side. Then, find out the download named as Original File: name of the driver.exe (size of the file)
  9. Then find out again the download, but named as “mirror”: name of the driver.exe (size of the file) and wait to download the file. After that, you just proceed with the installation. Each Hardware has their own standard od installation.


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