Server – Android monitoring – #12BRTutorial –

Monitoramento Android Servidor


Would you like to monitor a Server through your Android? Know how to use this tool which helps in the monitoring of many servers. This method is very used to verify if the processor is in its limit, if there is enough space in the disk, and the RAM memory quantity of the Server, with the possibility of enter in the terminal and to perform the desired commands with the proper care.



  1. Firstly, lets search in the Play Store (Android) the following softwares: Juice SSH and Juice SSH Performance.
  2. When you search, both programes will be on the top of the page. Click on each one and then click on “install”, or click on the three points located in the right corner on each program and click on “install”. Remember: install the Juice SSH first and the Juice SSH Performance
  3. After the installation, lets Begin the configuration to iniciate the Server`s monitoring.
  4. Open the Juice SSH by clicking once in the shortcut created in your Android.
  5. Click on “Manage Connections”.
  6. Slide to the side untill you fins “connections” and click on the icon “+” that appears on the lower right corner  when you touch the screen.
  7. By clicking on “+” it will show a formulary with several fields and from this moment you will need to have in hands some specifics configurations for each Server. Remember you will be accessing the Server and if you have permission to access some command it will normally do it. So, be carefull.
  • Nickname: optional. Example: Server1
  • Type: SSH
  • Address: put the Server adress (IP,dyndns(or another service)).
  • Identity: it will be the user used to login in the terminal. Click in the Arrow button and click on “New”
  • User: Type a valid user to access (Example: admin)
  • Password: click on “configure” and put this user`s password. (Example:admin)
  • Now save it by clicking on the check mark located on the upper right corner to save the identity.
  • Back in the new connection and select the created identity (example: admin)
  • Port: insert the access port to the SSH (each Server can have a different port. Verify these configurations).
  • Now save it by clicking on the check mark located on the upper right corner to save the identity.


  1. Done, in this moment we have a Server configured in the Juice SSH. Go to the software`s initial screen and click on the created connection. If has everything been done correctly, it will show a message asking if you want to permit the connection in the Server.
  2. Click on “Yes” or “permit”.
  3. By clicking on the button “back”, it will appear a message asking if you want to let the section executing in the background mode. Click on “no” to disconnect the Server.
  4. If you want you can close the application. Now we are going to execute the Juice SSH Performance to monitor (CPU, RAM memory, hard disk and others) the Server configured in the Android.
  5. In the upper parto f the screen, click on the arrow button to choose the option “configurate”, touch in the desired Server and click on “Connect” on the application`s lower part.
  6. Wait untill the connection perform, and in this moment it will appear some basic informations of your Server, making it possible to diagnose some possible problems, all in your Android.
  7. After visualize, remember to click on “disconnect” on the lower corner of the screen to disconnect the system.




Folks, with this we have finished another BRTutorial which can be applied in your everyday life, in your work or university.

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