SAT – Binding the company – #22BRTutorial –



Know how to bind the SAT`s device with your company`s “CNPJ”.

This method can be used to bind the “CNPJ” with the SAT and with this you can proceed the equipment`s activation with the comercial software used. This method was performed in the SAT DIMEP in the São Paulo`s state, but, however, with other brands it can change some some sequency in the step-by-step.

*Remembering that it`s the entire responsibilityof the IT administrator or of the official responsible to pass all the correct informations of the company (“CNPJ”/state inscription). To perform this procedure, the “CNPJ`s” digital certificate must be available (ex. A1, A3). Use carefully.


  1. After you get the SAT DIMEP, we have to bind with the company which is going to install the SAT.
  2. Perform the installation of the desired company`s certificate. And if it`s the A1, click in “advance” and then in “advance” again. Type the password and then clock on “conclude/complete”.
  3. If the certificate is the A3, conect the Token of the desired company (if it doesn`t recognize it, install the driver corresponding to the token`s brand).
  4. Now we are going to enter in the São Paulo`s farm`s site to Begin the procedure of bind the “CNPJ” with the company`s chosen.
  5. Enter in your favorite browser (it was tested in the Internet Explorer and in the Google Chrome) to access the link
  1. In this specific case I´m using the option “contributor”. Verify with the responsible Office where the company fits.
  2. Select the “contributor” option and click on the Digital Certificate button localized in the right side.
  3. It will open all the certificates installed in the computer or conected in the computer. Choose the certificate of the company you are going to register the SAT, select it and click OK.
  4. Type the certificate`s password and if it doesn`t appear any “CNPJ” click on the “search” button and choose wich “CNPJ” you are going to install the SAT. If it Has subsidiaries, it will have many “CNPJs”.
  5. Select the “CNPJ” which is going to install the SAT.
  6. Done, now we are in the SAT`s screen of the company chosen and now we are going to start the SAT´s bind with the SEFAZ.
  7. Click on “Equipment > Action > Bind SAT Equipment”, and it will open a window to entering the device`s data . Whenever you have to add a device to the same company, follow this procedure too.
  8. In this moment, localize the SAT DIMEP`s serial number (this number is localized at the bottom of the device and in a sticker which comes inside the box).
  9. In “serial number”, type the device`s serial number you are going to register and click on the “add” button, localized beside, in the same field.
  10. In “e-mail”, type a company`s valid e-mail to receive the document of the SAT`s binding with the company`s “CNPJ”.
  11. Select the desired option and click on “send”. In our case we are going to use the option “ I accept as valid the digital certificate…” , with a certificate A3, verify with the responsible Office which option ou should select to be according to your company`s specifications.
  12. Click on “YES”.
  13. Done, in this moment the SAT is bound with the company, and will be lacking the SAT activation to bind with the signature of the company which provides the software where the SAT is going to be used, but I`m going to explain it in another tutorial.

Folks, with this we have finished another BRtutorial that can be applied in your everyday life, in your work or university.

I hope you liked the learned content and, in case you have any doubt, criticism or Idea, keep in touch that I`ll be as brief as possible to answer it.

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