Has your data package to calmly navigate run out? Know how to disable the automatic download of whatsapp contents.
This method is very used in whatsapp without being concerned about image`s downloads, audios and videos each one receive in the groups, so it can happen to download an unnecessary file that will consume your data package. This tutorial was tested in Android, however, in other systems (iOS/Windows Phone), it can occur some changes, but the conclusion is the same.
- Open your Whatsapp installed in your Smartphone.
- After oppening the Whatsapp, find the “three points in the vertical” located on the upper right corner and click once on it.
- Click on “Configurations”.
- In the Configurations tab, locate “Conversations and Phone calls” and click on “Automatic Download”.
- In this part, there will be three options: 1st “How to use data network”. / 2nd “When connected to WI-FI”. / 3rd “In Roaming” (traveling).
- In the first option, click and select what you want to receive automatically without download. To save 3G remove all the selections (images, audios, videos) and click “OK”.
- In the second option, click and select what you want to receive automatically without download, in this case you can let all contents selected and click “OK”.
- In the third option, click and select what you want to receive automatically without download, in this case disable everything and click “OK”.
- After complete the procedure, click on “back” untill it gets to the inicial Page (Phone Calls / Conversations / Contacts) and done.