Word – Changing into capital letters – #15BRTutorial –

Word - Alterando para Maiúsculo


Have you verify, in the end of the text, that you needed to put all the words in capital letters? Know how to quickly modify it to capital letters, lowercase letters, or just the first word letter in capitals in your Microsoft Word document.

This method was performed in the Microsoft Office 2007, however, in other versions, it can change some step-by-step sequency.

  1. Open the Microfot Word. We can find it by pressing the Keys “Windows+R” and by typing WINWORD.EXE. Press the <ENTER>.
  2. Select with the mouse (click and hold it in the beginning of the word and drag the mouse with the left button pressed) everything you want to put in capital letter or lowercase letters, or just let in capitals the first letter of each word.
  3. With the text selected, press and hold the key <Shift>, then press simultaneously the key <F3>.
  4. With the key <Shift> pressed, press again the key <F3>.
  5. Quit pressing in the desired option.
  6. Now we don`t need to delete a title and type it again in capital letters.


Typed textBRtutorial

<Shitf>+<F3> = Brtutorial

<Shift>+<F3> = BRTUTORIAL

<Shift>+<F3> = brtutorial


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